COVADIS Summit X - Barcelona, August 30th 2022

Schedule: Tuesday, August 30th, 2022 - 10th Annual Summit
Time Zones:Barcelona (8.30am), New York (2.30am), London (7.30am), Tokyo (3.30pm), Adelaide (4.00pm), Los Angeles (11.30pm)
8.30amWelcomeC. Noel Bairey Merz (US)
John Beltrame (AU)
8:35am1. How to Perform Functional Coronary AngiographyC. Noel Bairey Merz (US)
8.40amPaolo Camici (IT)
8.50amHiro Shimokawa (JP)
9.00amColin Berry (UK)
9.10amJohn Beltrame (AU)
9.20amPanel DiscussionAll
10.30amMorning break
11.00am2. Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction in Coronary Artery DiseaseFilippo Crea (IT)
11.02amPeter Ong (DE)
11.10amPanel DiscussionAll
11.40am3. Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction Beyond the HeartPaolo Camici (IT)
11.42amCarl Pepine (US)
11.50amPanel DiscussionAll
12.20pmSummit SummationUdo Sechtem (DE)
12.25pmCloseC. Noel Bairey Merz (US)
John Beltrame (AU)